AuthorJosef Schinwald, MDiv

Hello dear visitor, this website is based on my podcast OM By The Beach and my FB group with the same name. I hope you find the content both inspirational and educational. Thank you for visiting, please leave a comment, and maybe we can get to know each other soon.

The Underlying Atman

Hinduism, Huston Smith: The distinction between self and Self can be assisted by another image. A man is playing chess. The board represents his world. There are pieces to be moved, bishops to be won and lost, an objective to be gained. The game can...

Flower Shower

Zen Story, Paul Reps: SUBHUTI WAS Buddha’s disciple. He was able to understand the potency of emptiness, the viewpoint that nothing exists except in its relationship of subjectivity and objectivity. One day Subhuti, in a mood of sublime emptiness...

The Old Master

Covered here in short 3 minutes: Lao Tzu, 604 B.C., Confucius meets him, the Old Master or Old Boy as Lao Tzu is translated leaves riding on a water buffalo and at the border when asked for his teaching, he writes in three days the Tao Te Ching...
