Zen Story, Paul Reps: THE ZEN MASTER Hakuin was praised by his neighbors as one living a pure life. A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a...
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Sufi Story, The Book of Rumi: There was once a grocer who owned a handsome green parrot who sang sublimely and spoke most eloquently. The parrot was...
A Passage From The Upanishads, Eknath Easwaran: In the city of Brahman is a secret dwelling, the lotus of the heart. Within this dwelling is a space...
Reflections: As I see it, less computer language and more of Hindu, Tibetan, and Taoist notions, there is a weaving going on in this immense web of...
Zen Story, Paul Reps: THERE WAS an old woman in China who had supported a monk for over twenty years. She had built a little hut for him and fed him...
A Story From The Book Of Rumi: A man had been losing his hearing for some time but was too proud to admit his debility and continued to pretend that...
The Way of Chuang Tzu, Thomas Merton: Fishes are born in water Man is born in Tao. If fishes, born in water, Seek the deep shadow Of pond and pool...
Buddhism, Excerpt From The World’s Religions, Huston Smith: Buddhism begins with a man. In his later years, when India was afire with his message and...
Zen Story, Paul Reps: RYOKAN, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited...
Zen Story, Paul Reps: TANZAN AND EKIDO were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling. Coming around a bend, they met...