Lois Kramer Perez,CHt

How Feng Shui is so much more than where you place your sofa – with Lois Kramer-Perez

Episode 1

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Lois Kramer-Perez is a Certified Practitioner in Feng Shui, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, NLP and Energy Clearing, Lois merges these methods to create the unique program for sustainable change.

Lois Kramer-Perez, “Queen of the Shui” is the go-to expert when you are ready to receive passionate relationships, a peaceful home, and a life you love.

Her popular programs, “Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul”, “ Neuro-Transformational Clearing Meditation Circle™” and “Take a 30-Second Vacation with Lois™,” teach people to use these tools daily to manifest sustainable change in their lives.

Bullet Points Of The Show:

Question: Can you tell us more about the Feng Shui Breakthrough? I wrote my chapter, chapter 15, “The Feng Shui Breakthrough” because I find my life has been filled with the unexpected. As I reflected on these past years, I could have never imagined this is where I would be…

Question: Can you tell us more about the five elements and how they relate to Feng Shui, your practice? Each element has layers of information: a season, time of day, family member archetype, color, shape, and characteristic which relates to an expression in human nature… How we enter our homes should feel effortless. What is happening inside of us is being reflected on the outside; therefore our space is a reflection of what is going in our lives… 

How to learn more about Lois Kramer-Perez, follow or contact her:

On her website, you will find a Clearing Meditation Class, Free Guided Meditations, and there are events and more classes, and other interviews https://loiskramerperez.com/

Contributor to an anthology called Tips, Tricks and Techniques from Today’s Experts for You and Your Business. Chapter 15 “The Feng Shui Breakthrough”  https://loiskramerperez.com/book

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Episode 1