Computer Simulation as Reality

Is THIS like a computer simulation?


As I see it, less computer language and more of Hindu, Tibetan, and Taoist notions, there is a weaving going on in this immense web of interconnectedness, co-origination, and mutual interpenetration. We, just like in process theology, are the weavers of the net.

There are great metaphors and similes for this kind of view of ultimate reality, a real illusion, i.e. Lord Indra’s Net Of Jewels.

I think mountains and the like are a real illusion, they are real, just as we are real for the sake of playing the game of “hide and seek” (LILA in Sanskrit or the “cosmic game”). It is a game where consciousness plays hide and seek with itself, consciousness with unconsciousness, like when we dream.

When children stop playing imaginary games with their friends, games of hide and seek, we are this and you are that they just return to who they are. We might say, it could as well be that we just wake up from this real illusion with great laughter. It’s us playing after all.

And yet sometimes people lose themselves so far out that it becomes a horror show, as we know from history. Yet, the ancient Taoist sages state that nothing can be outside the Tao.

Or as Jesus mentioned, the sun shines on both the good and evil equally (paraphrased). I would add with an Indian sage, the snake doesn’t know it has venom, it doesn’t know it can be used by man for medicine or it can kill, it just has that substance, I think that is similar to how the universe works in its vast emptiness that contains everything, sinners and saints, that apparently depend on each other.

The famous heart sutra states that emptiness is form and form is emptiness, for the Tibetans, there is no matter, there is only this real illusion, and yes, they have a tradition of introspection and meditation that spans for thousands of years. It seems we are more than we can think we are and at the same time we are nothing because we are inter-beings, nothing without everything else.

The Hindus have three words for it: Tat Twam Asi, you are it.

Hello dear visitor, this website is based on my podcast OM By The Beach and my FB group with the same name. I hope you find the content both inspirational and educational. Thank you for visiting, please leave a comment, and maybe we can get to know each other soon.

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Further reading


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Novak, Philip. Zen Story: On his death-bed a Master was asked by his disciple and Dharmaheir: “Master, is there anything else that I need to know?”...



Merton, Thomas. The Way of Chuang Tzu: In the Beginning of Beginnings was Void of Void, the Nameless.And in the Nameless was the One, without body...

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The Refusal Of Suitors

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An Ecology of Mind

Novak, Philip, The Dhammapada, Sayings of the Buddha: All that we are is a result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made...
