
The Task of the Yogi

Hinduism, Excerpt from The World’s Religions, Huston Smith:

Our word “personality” comes from the Latin persona, which originally referred to the mask an actor donned as he stepped onto the stage to play his role, the mask through (per) which he sounded (sonare) his part. The mask registered the role, while behind it the actor remained hidden and anonymous, aloof from the emotions he enacted. This, say the Hindus, is perfect; for roles are precisely what our personalities are, the ones into which we have been cast for the moment in this greatest of all tragi-comedies, the drama of life itself in which we are simultaneously coauthors and actors. As a good actress gives her best to her part, we too should play ours to the hilt.

Where we go wrong is in mistaking our presently assigned part for what we truly are. We fall under the spell of our lines, unable to remember previous roles we have played and blind to the prospect of future ones. The task of the yogi is to correct this false identification. Turning her awareness inward, she must pierce the innumerable layers of her personality until, having cut through them all, she reaches the anonymous, joyfully unconcerned actress who stands beneath.

Smith, Huston. The World’s Religions, Revised and Updated (S.46). HarperOne. Kindle-Version.

Image source: By Ms Sarah Welch – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46264292

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Further reading


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Novak, Philip. Zen Story: On his death-bed a Master was asked by his disciple and Dharmaheir: “Master, is there anything else that I need to know?”...



Merton, Thomas. The Way of Chuang Tzu: In the Beginning of Beginnings was Void of Void, the Nameless.And in the Nameless was the One, without body...

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