Robert Gold

Why words and actions build bridges essential to repairing our future world – with Robert Gold

Episode 10

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Robert Gold, Trust Development Coach, and Author

Once a telecommunication systems sales executive and owner of an electrical contracting business, Robert has been forever learning and exploring. He became fascinated by the relatively unknown field of ontology which combines architecture, anthropology, neuro and cellular biology. He has transformed many lives and has developed accounting systems which support the growth of successful businesses.

A visionary and inventor emerged from within, as did an intuitive system which could be the next logical step after the Internet. This concept, featured within LIberty 2041, improves methods of communication. Feelings and emotions are connected to colors and body sensations,  improving our self-awareness.

Questions asked:

  • What is it like being a trust development coach? It relates to ontology and that’s what you offer on
  • And how it is reflected in the book The Liberty 2041 Hexaseries?
  • What is the main storyline of the book?

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Episode 10